Four Points to Save on Your Wedding Budget

A dream wedding is one that many people strive for in their lives. Everything has to be perfect for it to work: the most ideal location, the perfect atmosphere, and a top-class wedding services provider to keep a head on the whole situation, among other things. However, going to such lengths can cost quite the resources.

Setting apart money for your wedding plans can be a stressful affair. Thankfully, there are many ways to keep things within your means while still keeping the flair. Let’s look at four points you can use to save on your wedding budget.

Digital RSVPs

A large part of conventional marriage budget lists is set aside for printing out fancy invitations to send out to family and friends. These invitations may be made out of fancy paper, printed in fancy ink, or have trinkets like ribbons and beads. All these add-ons can easily lead to a money sink if the design goes overboard.

A modern alternative is the use of digital wedding invitations to send out to possible attendees. Unlike their physical counterparts, digital invitations can be as grandiose in design and appearance as possible, with the only budgetary considerations being for services needed to make them. DIY online invitations can help reduce costs further.

Off-Season Events

There are many ladies who are taken by the appeal of the ‘June bride’. Others prefer to get married during special holidays, like Valentine’s Day or the Christmas season. As a result, these calendar dates are predictably loaded, and prices go higher than the normal going rate.

If you’re not picky about when you’re going to tie the knot, consider selecting a wedding date during non-peak periods. Not only do the fees stay lower than during high-demand seasons, there is also less competition for booking top venues. If you want to avoid having to wrangle a specific spot to get betrothed in, going for the off-season might be a good choice.

Dream Dress for a Dime

Many would-be brides and grooms can be very particular about the kind of clothes they want to wear down the aisle. They would scrutinize every detail, from the type of fabric used to the number of accessories that are attached to the clothing. This can be a very expensive endeavor, and can also be time-consuming to boot.

Thankfully, more and more top-class wedding dress designs are becoming available off-the-rack. They come at a fraction of the cost of most high-end brands while still having competitive quality in design and fabrics. Many of these affordable dresses are also available online, making it more convenient to choose one that fits the buyer’s taste.

Simple is Best

A lot of wedding expenses can be attributed to the spouses’ families going overboard with the preparation and execution. The short-term happiness overshadows the long-term financial woes that they can accrue with the event. As such, simplifying the methods to the wedding can be considered a viable alternative. This can be achieved by:

  • Choosing a personal music playlist instead of hiring a DJ
  • Keeping gimmicks at a minimum
  • Going for simple, but elegant decor and tableware
  • Seeking out friends and family who can handle other duties like singing at the nuptial or doing MC work at the reception


Weddings during a period of austerity don’t always have to mean throwing your dream event out the window. With the help of smart planning and an experienced event services provider, any budget can be enough to make it a memorable day for everyone.